Hey all,
I′m super excited because I finally built myself a new computer during the ‘break’. It took a while before I was able to put together my new system, but now I can catch up on the latest software (and all the games I haven′t been able to play of course). I′ll need to take some time to get myself up to speed, but just having a new, smooth working, faster and (mostly) problem–free PC will be a great help in itself.
As a part of all this learning and testing (and what I thought would be a gap of free time), I decided to join a couple of online competitions. Namely the Riot contest (you can check out the entries here polycount.com/categories/riot-contest-2017) and Cubebrush′s Artwar 2. Unfortunately, due to a chaotic few weeks prior to the submission date, I wasn′t able to work much on my Riot–esque character design. Though I did manage to put a concept together. For a bit of a rundown on my design / thought process, you can take a look at polycount.com/discussion/196747/riot-creative-contest-2017-character-art-little-red-kindred
I′m currently participating in the Artwar 2 challenge and you can follow my progress at forums.cubebrush.co/t/artwar-2-3d-mistress-of-the-deep-microbird/5138. Here′s a peek at where the concept is at right now.
You can also keep an eye the other participants at forums.cubebrush.co/c/art-challenges/art-war-2d for the 2D category and forums.cubebrush.co/c/art-challenges/art-war-3d for 3D.
I won′t be taking it much further as I tend to figure things out as I sculpt and model and it is more than enough to go off (plus it′s for myself). Will either post another update or add the finished model to my folio if all goes well.
Worst case scenario, even if I am unable to finish it on time, I will most likely continue working on it at a later stage. Same goes for the Riot character.
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